Thursday, June 30, 2011

Custom Car Trends For The Future

Have you ever been to a car show? It is quite interesting to visit that kind of event. From the new releases to the concept cars, everything you want to see regarding street rods are here for your eyes to feast upon. What are interesting to watch out for are the car trends that the manufacturers take pride in presenting to their fans and loyal customers.

With the advent of people becoming eco-friendly and conscious on the environment and wants to take part of it, believe it or not, car manufacturers are doing the same thing - jumping into the bandwagon of being ecologically sound and conscious. It also has become a marketing strategy for them - adding points to their Corporate Social Responsibility theme. Not only that, they get plus points from environmental advocates for being supportive of Mother Nature's restoration and for the good of the children. Thus they created concept street rods or commonly known as hybrid cars.

These hybrid cars are designed in such a way that will help Mother Nature recover from the ravages of man's abusive use of the planet. Other than that, gasoline companies also developed bio-ethanol gasoline in order to make it "earth-friendly" and less air pollution. Aside from gasoline, companies also developed concept street rods that uses solar power as fuel and can be lightweight at the same time. Other trends would also help address the needs of a growing family with safety features. Seatbelts, provisions for car seats and boosters and even airbags fit for the children are also being designed and made in order to address the needs. Safety from thieves are also integral in the protecting your street rods. Car alarms, anti-car napping devices are also installed for your safety and protection.

Got lost on a road trip? You don't have to consult a map anymore. GPS or Global Positioning System is also installed for your convenience as well. Just encode the address of the place where you want to go and it will give you directions. Most of the drivers find it hard to do reverse parking or parallel parking. It is also resolved. By installing parking sensors, your car can guide you how to park and tells you if you're too near the pavement or the other car as well. Forgot to lock your doors? Your street rod can do that to you too as soon as you go a certain distance, it automatically locks itself. Another trend is driving automatically instead of stick shift or what they call cruise control. After maintaining a certain speed for a time, your car automatically takes over your speed. Even the air conditioning unit comes with a climate control feature.

There are more trends coming with all those creative ideas pouring in. We have to remember though that we are still in control of our street rods. If you remember that movie where all the people were evacuated in order for the planet to clean up and the computer won't allow them to go back, we might be in the brink of that. While these are good and novel ideas and create comfort in our everyday lives, let us not forget also that we sometimes need to exert our effort in controlling the devices that helps us in our everyday lives. Remember, we are their creators, and we are the highest level of creatures in this planet we call earth. While it is true that they gave us comfort and convenience, let not those convenience and comfort be the cause of our co-dependency attitude and misery if something bad happen to us.

We love bending, shaping and designing old metal into beautiful cars in our Street Rod Shop. At Jeff Lilly Restorations we have the people and facility to knock out a home run machine every time.

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